

A Personal Note from the Candidate

My Fellow Americans,

The American Dream needs a serious upgrade. Our great nation is buried in outdated 20th century systems that do not position us to be leaders in the 21st century. America cannot look forward by seeking refuge in the past. That is why I am entering the 2024 presidential race – to pass the torch to a new generation of Americans knowing that together, we can rebuild the American Dream. 

I’m an entrepreneur, investor, and proud American who believes in hard-work, creativity and the power of people working together to accomplish incredible things. Over my thirty years leading small businesses, and learning from some of America’s largest organizations, I have seen first hand the power of mission-driven people and technology to dramatically improve the world. 

Like me, many of you are devastated that our system has become so broken. While many running for higher office refuse to challenge the antiquated status quo, I offer myself as a next-generation innovator speaking truth-to-power and putting his hat in the ring. 

I am a people-first candidate, led by my Quaker convictions that people matter more than anything. I believe we must invest in our youth with educational reform as the main theme in my policy pillars. Although I am a Democrat, my positions also sound Republican. My campaign is rooted in conscious capitalism, modernizing our government, and harnessing America’s talent on the global stage. I have been called the purple candidate and embrace the moniker proudly since I firmly believe our platform’s values can and should transcend party affiliation. These are American values, not party values. Period.

Because what you’ll read here likely matters to you, too, I’d love to have you join our coalition. Learn more by opting in at to stay informed and get involved.

Presidential Candidate, 2024

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